ICT portal - Incotech

Inkotech company manages IT infrastructure projects for governmental agencies in the Republic of Belarus. Inkotech needed to create a reliable Content Management System for maintaining up-to-date information on all real-estate development projects in Belarus for the Ministry of Construction & Architecture. The system needed to have a sophisticated access control mechanism to allow authorized government officials and third parties to access State Registry information as well as statistical, analytical, legal, and project status data on all commercial and state-sponsored real-estate projects. The system would also maintain the information pertaining to the relevant licensed parties such as architects, suppliers, engineers, builders, surveyors, inspectors, and contractors. After having put the project out to tender, Inkotech eventually selected SSD team of experienced developers and business analysts to conduct planning, design, implementation, quality assurance, and long-term maintenance of ICT government portal.

As a result of highly organized development process performed by its highly-skilled professionals, SSD successfully built and deployed ICT system, which exceeded all target criteria of security, reliability, maintainability, and performance. Currently, ICT portal holds detailed profiles of 60,000 real-estate development projects, featuring elaborate statistical, analytical and status reports for each region. The system proved to be so reliable, flexible, and easy to manage that Incotech used it for administering a 5-year long state-sponsored rural development program. The highly performance-optimized data access and web components allowed for substantial reduction of hardware costs at no impact on both general and peak-hour system responsiveness. After having successfully delivered version 1.0 of the product, Incotech was quick to order version 2.0, and followed with a several-year maintenance contract afterwards.

A government product must adhere to the highest standards of security, accessibility, maintainability and reliability. To meet and exceed these standards, SSD enlisted the services of highly-professional specialists in the field of internet security, project management, web development, computer cluster management, quality assurance, and stress testing.

  • Assigned an experienced project manager to coordinate the full product development lifecycle including gathering the requirements, designing the system architecture, obtaining the necessary approvals, building the product, performing multi-level Quality Assurance tests, deploying and maintaining the system.
  • Involved a professional business analyst who assisted Incotech in clarifying the requirements gathered from diverse government and commercial stakeholders, and prepared a detailed product specification for their approval.
  • Created a clear project roadmap and deployed an automated project management system to allow both SSD team and external stakeholders to access up-to-date status information, and to continuously monitor progress, obstacles, dependencies, and risks at all stages of the development process.
  • Assigned an engineering team with the right skill-set from its existing pool of IT professionals with 5-10 years of experience in scalable database design, internet security, and web development.
  • Developed elaborate test plans and automated scripts for multi-level Quality Assurance that included:
    • "White box" code-driven unit testing performed by SSD web development team
    • "Black box" requirement-driven unit testing performed by SSD Quality Assurance team
    • Integration testing
    • Performance testing
    • Stress testing
    • System testing
  • Established a centralized repository for change request management to make sure that every client request and every bug found were properly logged and fixed by the final deadline.

Product Highlights
ICT portal is a comprehensive Content Management System (CMS) that allows for automated import, update, storage, analysis, and secure role-based access of State Registry and legal information about the ownership structure, involved parties, dependencies, and status of all government and commercial real-estate development projects in the Republic of Belarus. The product features:

  • Structured repository of real estate development projects and relevant licensed parties such as architects, suppliers, engineers, builders, surveyors, and inspectors, categorized according to a number of government-specified classifiers.
  • Document Management System for storage and automated access of legal documents, including several types of State Registry documents, contracts, and status reports.
  • Analytical engine for generation of a variety of reports, diagrams and map charts showing official statistics, set goals, and completion status of both government-sponsored and commercial real-estate projects for each region.
  • Easy-to-use search and navigation system that includes:
    • Hierarchical tree-style navigation
    • Online wizards
    • Dynamic multi-stage selection criteria specification
    • Asynchronous loading of large amounts of data
  • Centrally-administered role-based Access Control System that ensures that data import, update, and management can be performed only by the properly authorized officers of the Ministry of Construction & Architecture, whereas statistical, analytical, legal, and status information can be viewed by a broader range of government agencies and authorized third parties.
  • Automatic monitoring and logging of system access and user activities.
  • Automatic data import and export from/to Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access formats.
  • Data access engine optimized for processing of large volumes of data at peak hours.
  • Dual architecture that involves a separate copy of the system for data import, management and administration at the Ministry's site, synchronized with an externally-hosted failure-proof cluster-based replica for external access to statistical, analytical, and legal data.
  • Preconfigured tools allowing for easy system backup and automated restore in case of any kind of failure.
Technologies and Tools Used
- Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0; C#; AJAX-based User Interface; JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Adobe Flash
- Microsoft SQL Server 2000; Microsoft SQL Integration Server
- Microsoft Office Interoperability Tools; DotNetNuke™ Open Source Web Application Framework
- Borland Starteam; Microsoft Project
"As a General Manager of Incotech, I have worked with many IT companies who developed different projects for us. SSD definitely stands out. ICT portal was one of our most challenging projects, given its performance and security requirements, as well as its data structure. SSD did an excellent job. They are extremely responsive, hard working, attentive to details, and patient to go through the multitude of requirements, legal definitions, and use cases. They are also very competent and professional, capable of asking the right questions that I could not have thought of myself. I was honored to work with SSD team, and I would recommend them without hesitation to anybody who needs high-quality sophisticated product to be developed fast."
Michael Golod
Incotech, General Manager