"…They were able to meet a tight price target and it is clear to us that their skill base is far better than many others who claim a broad skill base. In particular we have been most impressed by their ability to resolve unexpected problems with little effect on completion dates."
Destination Data, Director

Dedicated Team

Since our inception, contracting our highly-skilled engineers on a dedicated basis has been the preferred form of collaboration for most our clients - start-ups and enterprises alike. (see our Featured Case Studies) Our hourly rates are among the lowest in the world for the services of professionals of a comparable skill set. Such form of partnership is usually cheaper for our clients and is ideal for long-term highly iterative projects where the requirements change frequently. Additionally, our clients feel more comfortable when they have the certainty of working with the same team that is exclusively dedicated to their product. Our advantages are:

Highly skilled low cost professionals
Because of our strategic location, we have access to the highly-skilled low-cost labor market. We hire only top 10% professionals, we pay them competitive salaries, and we train them with the latest IT techniques. You can interview our candidates over the phone as you would interview domestic hires. Our engineers are certified by industry leaders such as Microsoft, Teradata, Oracle, BrainBench and others. All of them speak English fluently, so you can expect them to seamlessly integrate into your company's culture and to work under the direct supervision of your project managers. We have one of the lowest turn-over rates that allows our clients to work with the same people for years. Working with us removes many hassles associated with hiring domestic staff, adding office infrastructure, paying high salaries and benefits, and incurring termination and litigation costs. We can provide you with the domestic level of service without the burden of the associated expenses.

Excellent communication, status tracking, and reporting
We assist our clients in establishing excellent communication processes that include daily Skype meetings, desktop sharing software, video conferences, source control software, project management software, and other distance collaboration tools. Our clients can continuously track the status of all their projects using either their company's or ours centralized project management and status tracking tools. You will receive a detailed project schedule that our project managers will update regularly. Finally, our experience with proactive risk management allows us to avoid risks early and to notify you about the potential dependencies and issues as soon as possible.

Time-zone advantage
Many our US clients found the way to double the speed of their software development lifecycle due to the difference in time zone, i.e., our developers upload their work at the end of their day, which coincides with the beginning of the day when our clients' domestic teams start working. That effectively enables close to 24h-around-the-clock development, substantially speeding up product's time-to-market. At the same time, there is still enough overlap to schedule all-hands cross-functional meetings via Skype or videoconferencing tools.

Scalability of the workforce
You are flexible to contract any number of people for however short or long period of time. Since we work with several clients, we can afford maintaining a pool of instantly available high-demand professionals whom we can easily add to the projects of clients who grow quickly. Even if we might not have a professional with the required skill set, we usually send to our customers a list of resumes of the candidates whom we can quickly hire on the local labor market. That keeps our clients away from the risks of hiring extra staff whom they might not immediately need.

Reselling under your brand
If your company provides outsourcing services too, you can have our professionals work transparently under your brand. You might be interested in this form of collaboration if you have an immediate need in professionals with a specific skill set for a limited period of time whom you cannot quickly hire on your local labor market. For example, your client may request high-performance database optimization, which might not be your strength at the moment. Alternatively, you might be just seeking ways to cut costs. Our most successful example of a similar partnership is the on-going collaboration with Teradata company. Through hiring SSD professionals, Teradata succeeded to fulfill its contractual obligations towards its major EU client DHL Express by delivering a series of sophisticated Business Intelligence projects running on 10TB-large data warehouses. (see our Featured Case Studies)

AcquireWeb AcquireVision

AcquireWeb is the source for making quality customer connections online. Founded in 2001, AcquireWeb offers email acquisition and customer management services to enable global companies to leverage existing offline customer relationships, lower online acquisition costs, create new cross-sell opportunities and improve their return on marketing investments. The company decided to extend its core product used by Fortune 500 companies with major new features, and to repackage it into a new one called AcquireVision, marking this way the next step in its growth. After SSD successfully delivered its AcquireLocal product targeted at small and medium businesses, AcquireWeb contracted SSD for the second time to develop AcquireVision system that would combine an even greater accuracy of consumer targeting with the effectiveness of advanced frequency-based programs. See more...
ClearSight Interactive - ClearTarget

ClearSight Interactive is a rapidly expanding start-up that provides a comprehensive range of behavioral targeting solutions for Advertisers and Publishers. The company was founded with a bold intention to revolutionize the online advertising industry by bridging the divide between online and offline universe of consumer data. Having partnered with largest database marketing companies, such as Experian and I-Behavior, ClearSight then needed to develop industry-leading tools that would drastically improve conversions and sales of its potential clients through connecting consumers' online behavior with their offline profile data in a way that has never been done before.

ClearTarget is one of the three products comprising ClearSight Behavioral Targeting Suite. The product was meant to be a middle-tier solution between Publishers' websites and their Ad Serving platform. ClearTarget would enable Publishers to multiply the accuracy of their ad targeting, increasing this way both the value and the attractiveness of their assets for Advertisers. Given SSD prior experience in cost-effective development of industry-leading behavioral targeting solutions for AcquireWeb and DCASTechnologies companies, ClearSight partnered with SSD for the development of ClearTarget product as part of its ClearSight Behavioral Targeting Suite. See more...
DHL OneView

As DHL has been adopting an increasing variety of sophisticated visibility and planning methodologies, gleaning a complete picture from disparate data sources became an extremely difficult and confusing task, often performed manually by individuals with varying knowledge of the system. Teradata, DHL IT solutions provider, was contracted to develop a new reporting tool called OneView that would give a holistic view of revenue and operations and provide a comprehensive web interface to manage client accounts. The tool would use a cross functional data mart and produce detailed reports for DHL business analysts and senior management. DHL has three data warehouses of 10TB cross-referenced with numerous satellite databases updated from 6,500+ offices in 220+ countries and territories, each having local, business and legal peculiarities regarding the processing of 1.5+ billion shipments per year. Dealing with such a mix of business entities and legacy products required a rare combination of technical expertise, superior attention to detail, and tight cooperation with globally distributed business analysts at various responsibility levels. To meet DHL request under the tight budget and short time constraints, Teradata enrolled the services of SSD teams under "Reselling under the Client's Brand" agreement. See more...

DCASTechnologies is the premier provider of online lead generation and validation solutions in the consumer marketing & advertising space. At the dawn of Lead Generation / Co-Registration industry, the company founders identified a unique unaddressed opportunity for a reliable third party service that would centrally manage lead generation activities, as well as eliminate incomplete or inaccurate information collected through consumer-filled online forms. Such service would allow Advertisers and Marketers to differentiate themselves in a highly-competitive playground by the quality of their leads that would translate into increased conversion rates. The company turned to SSD to develop its flagship product ASCEND that was meant to be the leading solution for high-quality lead generation. See more...
SportsGate LearnOnLine Platform

SportsGate is an ambitious innovator in the UK market of technology solutions for sports and education. Having foreseen the swift rise in the importance of the role technology will play in teaching sports, the company purchased the rights for LearnOnLine COMunnicate product from the Trades Union Congress who originally developed it for their facilities in 45 FE Colleges. After the British Educational Communications and Technology Agency mandated over 32,000 UK schools to deploy school-wide e-learning systems by the end of 2010, SportsGate aspired to turn the obsolete product, formally launched by the Secretary of State for Education, David Blunket, into a highly-successful modern commercial platform that would be used by a broad range of British educational institutions, independent sports associations and National Governing Bodies to teach sports to the XXI-century generation of the UK citizens. In line with its long-term goal to achieve the dominant position in this rapidly growing market, the board has voted for the full reengineering of the former system. The new product would have modern functionality allowing for the effective user engagement, customized educational courses set-up and management, role-based security, mobile support, social networking, targeted promotions, educational progress tracking, metrics analysis and control. Additionally, if would allow for seamless integration with the legacy systems already used by many colleges, sports associations and their technology partners. The company contracted SSD to perform the continuous iterative development of the next generation of its flagship LearnOnLine platform. See more...
AcquireWeb Real-Time Data API

AcquireWeb is the source for making quality customer connections online. Founded in 2001, AcquireWeb offers email acquisition and customer management services to enable global companies to leverage existing offline customer relationships, lower online acquisition costs, create new cross-sell opportunities and improve their return on marketing investments. AcquireWeb has successfully collaborated with SSD on the development, market launch, and further maintenance of its flagship AcquireLocal and AcquireVision products. As the online advertising market was becoming more and more competitive, AcquireWeb sought new ways to leverage its proprietary 130mil permission-based prospects database. To win new Fortune 500 clients who were using other companies' products for customer acquisition, AcquireWeb commissioned SSD the development of web services and Real-Time Data API that would enable advertisers, marketers, and publishers to match fragments of customer data collected through their own channels with a complete customer profile gleaned from AcquireWeb proprietary database. Having a better knowledge of their prospects would enable these companies to increase the accuracy of their targeting and to immediate boost ROI. Thus, AcquireWeb Real-Time Data API was meant to be a strategic first step towards winning new clients and further strengthening AcquireWeb market presence. See more...
DHL Global Yield Management System (GYMS 2.0)

The existing Business Intelligence system GYMS 1.0, which DHL used to optimize pricing and analyze sales, had a number of deficiencies that needed to be addressed as soon as possible. Teradata, DHL IT solutions provider, faced with the challenge to increase the quality and consistency of loaded data, eliminate reference gaps, and to make the web-based user interface more user-friendly and comprehensible. GYMS uses three data warehouses of 10TB updated in real-time from 6,500+ DHL offices in 220+ countries and territories, each having local, business and legal peculiarities regarding the processing of 1.5+ billion shipments per year. Making any improvements or changes in such a system required a rare combination of technical expertise, superior attention to detail, and tight cooperation with globally distributed business analysts at various responsibility levels. To meet DHL request under the tight budget and short time constraints, Teradata enrolled the services of SSD teams under "Reselling under the Client's Brand" agreement. See more...

DCASTechnologies is the premier provider of online lead generation and validation solutions in the consumer marketing & advertising space. After having gained momentum in the Lead Generation industry with its flagship product ASCEND, also developed by SSD, DCASTech realized the opportunity for a related offering targeted at an adjacent industry segment. The product would allow publishers, database owners and ad networks to reliably validate the accumulated leads eliminating incomplete or inaccurate information collected from consumers through co-registration online forms. The company came back to SSD to contract the development of its next product called APERTURE that was meant to help ad networks and publishers to raise the quality level associated with the leads they were selling, and, thus, to competitively differentiate themselves by the increased conversion rates. See more...
ClearSight Interactive - ClearAnalytics

ClearSight Interactive is a rapidly expanding start-up that provides a comprehensive range of behavioral targeting solutions for Advertisers and Publishers. The company was founded with a bold intention to revolutionize the online advertising industry by bridging the divide between online and offline universe of consumer data. Having partnered with largest database marketing companies, such as Experian and I-Behavior, ClearSight then needed to develop industry-leading tools that would drastically improve conversions and sales of its potential clients through connecting consumers' online behavior with their offline profile data in a way that has never been done before.

ClearAnalytics is one of the three products comprising ClearSight Behavioral Targeting Suite. The product would be a campaign analysis tool that camps onto existing website analysis software packages. It would allow Advertisers to evaluate the effectiveness of their online ads through matching phone and in-store customer transactions back to 100 million identified online user profiles in order to track back the advertisements these customers viewed and provide real-time insight into which media placements had the greatest contribution toward offline conversion. Given SSD prior experience in cost-effective development of industry-leading behavioral analysis and business intelligence tools for AcquireWeb and DCASTechnologies companies, ClearSight partnered with SSD for the development of ClearAnalytics product as part of its ClearSight Behavioral Targeting Suite. See more...
DHL Business Intelligence

DHL Express is the world's largest provider of international express mail services represented in 220+ countries and territories and processing over 1.5 billion shipments per year. To manage its rapidly growing data infrastructure, DHL contracted Teradata (NYSE:TDC), one of the most well-known providers of Data Warehousing and Analytics solutions. As DHL had been increasingly adopting a variety of sophisticated business analysis and planning techniques, Teradata faced the need to provide a growing number of automated reports and Business Intelligence tools for DHL business analysis and general managers, who were pressed to increase efficiency and explore more ways to generate revenue. To meet these needs, Teradata enrolled the services of SSD teams who had extensive experience in developing enterprise Business Intelligence tools under "Reselling under the Client's Brand" agreement. Since the beginning of this collaboration SSD was challenged to deliver over 80 large analytical projects of varying degree of sophistication and complexity. See more...
AcquireWeb AcquireLocal

AcquireWeb is the source for making quality customer connections online. Founded in 2001, AcquireWeb offers email acquisition and customer management services to enable global companies to leverage existing offline customer relationships, lower online acquisition costs, create new cross-sell opportunities and improve their return on marketing investments. The company came to SSD at its maturity stage, aiming to expand its industry presence from Global 2000 companies to small & medium business segment. AcquireWeb needed to develop a new AcquireLocal product that would bring the power of a proven customer acquisition program designed for large global companies to the local level. The new product would leverage AcquireWeb massive prospect database reaching to 75mil+ US households (130mil+ individuals) to give the possibility to local businesses both to leverage their existing customer connections and to engage new prospects, maximizing this way their sales growth at the local level. See more...
ClearSight Interactive - ClearProfile

ClearSight Interactive is a rapidly expanding start-up that provides a comprehensive range of behavioral targeting solutions for Advertisers and Publishers. The company was founded with a bold intention to revolutionize the online advertising industry by bridging the divide between online and offline universe of consumer data. Having partnered with largest database marketing companies, such as Experian and I-Behavior, ClearSight then needed to develop industry-leading tools that would drastically improve conversions and sales of its potential clients through connecting consumers' online behavior with their offline profile data in a way that has never been done before.

ClearMail is one of the four products comprising ClearSight Behavioral Targeting Suite. Similar to ClearTrigger, another product from the Suite, ClearMail would allow online retailers to identify the visitors who abandon their website through intelligently matching them to their profiles in 100mil-record database. In addition to ClearTrigger, ClearMail would give advertisers the possibility to re-engage with unregistered consumers via both e-mail and direct mail marketing communication channels. Given SSD prior experience in cost-effective development of industry-leading behavioral analysis and business intelligence tools for AcquireWeb and DCASTechnologies companies, ClearSight partnered with SSD for the development of ClearMail product as part of its ClearSight Behavioral Targeting Suite. See more...